
“Encounter the Healing Love and Power of the risen Jesus Christ.”
Love Comes from God

Love Comes from God

People all over the world are excited about this time of year as they celebrate love between couples.  In recent years, the perspective (and the advertising!) has widened to include remembering and celebrating all those whom we love. And while I love flowers and...

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The Family of God

The Family of God

Recently, while on holiday, I met a woman on the beach near where I was sitting. We began chatting and found that we had much in common. As the afternoon wore on, I invited her to have a cup of tea and we stayed together talking and sharing until dinner time. I saw...

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A Word From God

A Word From God

God often speaks to me around the time of my birthday and in the New Year. He whispers to me about His thoughts and plans and often gives me a theme or a focus for the year. Now, I actively seek His voice at those times and He has been so gracious and faithful again...

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Bless Auckland! Not just another Church event.

Bless Auckland! Not just another Church event.

Pastor Abraham Charles has arrived in New Zealand. He preached a powerful word in Huntly at the Lakeside Christian Life Church about the blessing that God will pour out on us when we are open to receiving. There was a wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit and Pastor...

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Pastor Abraham Charles’ Impact on Me

Pastor Abraham Charles’ Impact on Me

Watch this video where I speak about the impact Pastor Abraham has had on my life.  I encourage you to come and be blessed with Pastor Abraham Charles just as I have been! Join us on Friday 13th October, 2017, 7:00pm. at Victory Convention Centre.  This fantastic...

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Restoring the Foundations

Restoring the Foundations

Sometimes our lives can seem to be falling down around us. It might feel like we are living with broken walls and burnt out lives. Even as Christians, our foundations can be shaken with personal issues, like an unexpected diagnosis, a financial problem or challenges...

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Rebuilding What’s Broken

Rebuilding What’s Broken

Join me in this video clip as we look at Nehemiah. A man whose heart was touched when he learnt about the broken and burnt city of Jerusalem. When the king asked why he was sad, Nehemiah took bold action and shared his heart for the city. He received the king’s...

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Seed of God’s Promise

Seed of God’s Promise

As you think back to that time when you made a decision to ask Jesus into your heart, perhaps you can remember the excitement and the hope of knowing that God had a plan for your life. Sometimes though, as we continue faithfully along the Christian path, that plan may...

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