
“Encounter the Healing Love and Power of the risen Jesus Christ.”

More than just dry bones – a message from the past that speaks to us today.

Oct 1, 2017

Many of us know something about the Old Testament book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel is the prophet who stands in the midst of a valley littered with dead and dry bones. God speaks to him about breathing life into those bones and they eventually rise up and form a mighty army!

Ezekiel was used mightily by the Lord to bring a message to the Israelites during their time of exile.

Not only did Ezekiel speak the word that God gave him but he enacted the word too. We read about many of the dramas that were played out by Ezekiel and if we could make a movie today of his life with modern technology and special effects it would be a box office hit!

The story of the restoration of the dry bones is a wonderful picture of God’s goodness to the Israelites. But that is not the only message we can take from the prophet Ezeziel.

Join me for dessert and coffee on Thursday night, 05 October at the Women’s Meeting, where I will be speaking about the relevance of Ezekiel in our lives today and what we can learn from him right now. 

Come and let the Lord minister to you – in restoration, in love, in healing  and in power. Register for this free event here.

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