People all over the world are excited about this time of year as they celebrate love between couples. In recent years, the perspective (and the advertising!) has widened to include remembering and celebrating all those whom we love.
And while I love flowers and chocolates and romantic music just as well the next person, this time of year often make me smile.
You see, love abounded more powerfully 2000 years ago than what we could read on any Facebook feed or social media tweet. Love that was deeper, greater, wider than this world could ever express was poured out, freely given, readily available for each one of us.
Out of the great love that He had for His people, God sent His precious and beloved son, Jesus, to give His life for ours. And Jesus, obedient and committed to His loving Father, knowingly stepped forth out of the love that He too had for His people, onto the cross.
And it is that love that we can truely enjoy today. No matter what our circumstances on this day, we can celebrate the love that we receive from the Father – that unconditional love that overpowers, over delivers, overwhelms and is available for every single one of us.
Love comes from God.
– 1 John 4
Love Comes from God from Dove Ministries on Vimeo.