Bill Subritzky has seen thousands of people touched by God’s wonderful healing love and many healed and miraculously set free.
Bill Subritzky experienced a radical transformation in his life by being born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. As an evangelist he has seen thousands of people find hope and healing as they have committed their lives to Jesus Christ. Multitudes have been touched by the power of God to heal illness and to set people free from demonic oppression.
Bill Subritzky founded Dove Ministries and led our team until he went to be with the Lord in December 2015.
Bill was known worldwide for his evangelism and teaching and has conducted meetings and seminars in association with local churches on every continent. Bill has seen tens of thousands of people have an encounter with the risen Jesus Christ.
To quote Christian teacher Derek Prince: “Bill Subritzky has developed one of the most powerful evangelistic ministries that it has been my privilege to witness at first hand. His ministry is regularly attested by many signs following. More important still, he presents the gospel in a clear, simple and uncompromising way that demands whole hearted repentance from sin in all its forms and unreserved commitment to the lordship of Jesus Christ.”
Before he established Dove Ministries, Bill Subritzky was for 33 years a senior partner in a large law firm in Auckland, New Zealand and also the founder and Governing Director of one of New Zealand’s largest home building companies. Following his conversion to Christianity in the 1970s, God called him to a worldwide ministry as an evangelist. He has travelled and ministered throughout New Zealand, Australia, the South Pacific, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia, as well as the USA, South America, England and Europe and parts of Africa.
Bill Subritzky has spoken at seven world conventions of the Full Gospel Business Mens’ Fellowship in the United States, as well as ministering throughout the USA and other countries of the world in conjunction with that organisation. He has always ministered with signs following and many major healing miracles have been attested in many of his meetings.
Bill has written 14 books dealing with various aspects of the Christian life. He has also produced many videos. Some of his books, such as Demons Defeated, are bestsellers and have been translated into many languages.