In Transition
Recently, I was reading the story of Joshua and the Israelites crossing the Jordan River. For the last 40 years, the lives of the Israelites in the desert had been consistent – manna in the morning, the cloud by day and the fire by night and even their shoes lasted...

Will you meet Jesus?
The story of Lazarus is one that always fascinates me. It tells of the miracle of Lazarus being raised from the grave by Jesus and it is a fore-runner of the even more miraculous resurrection of Jesus Himself not long afterwards. Lazarus had been dead for four days,...

Our Story
So often we can be overwhelmed with the challenges of life. Many of the issues that we are dealing with today are different from those of even 10 or 15 years ago. And, as we reflect on the fast pace of our lives and on the consuming desire for more that society...

A revelation at the site of Revelation
Recently, I was reflecting on my recent trip to the Holy Land and thinking about how blessed I was by the whole adventure. Before I left, I felt that this trip was indeed a divine appointment but I did not realise quite how powerful an experience it would be until I...

Who is our neighbour?
The word neighbour in the Greek means ‘someone who is near’ and in the Hebrew it means ‘someone that you have an association with’. Our neighbour is anyone we encounter. The story of the Good Samaritan is a parable about God’s concern for every person, regardless of...

God Goes Ahead of Us
I have been praying for a long time about my up-coming trip to Israel. The information about the trip was sent to me by a friend early in 2017 and as it came across my desk, I felt a prompting by the Holy Spirit to look further into it. I am so glad that I did,...

The Upcoming Seers Conference
At the end of a long day, I often find that I seem to have run out of the Holy Spirit. In the daily challenge of getting through our tasks and ticking off the lists we have, it is easy to lose sight of who we are and who God is. But as children of the promise of God,...

Billy Graham
"My job is to try to win every person to Christ." When Billy Graham was asked in an interview as to how he saw himself and his role, this was his answer. And from the age of 16, when he became a Christian until he passed just now into glory, Billy Graham was faithful...

Gods Plan A
We all have hopes and dreams, don't we? Plans for what we want to do, places that we want to go, perhaps or work or careers or personal changes that we want to pursue. The new year is a wonderful time to make those changes, to begin moving on those plans and to put...

Looking Out of the Window
I have a friend who loves teasing her work colleagues, friends and family. She is always thinking up practical jokes and springing them anyone who she thinks will still fall for them. Valentine's Day is a particular favourite. She begins by asking people if they had...