
“Encounter the Healing Love and Power of the risen Jesus Christ.”

Welcome to our new Dove Ministries website

Jan 26, 2017

We are so pleased you have joined us.

If this is your first visit, welcome! And if you are a regular, we hope you enjoy our new look.

Read about the anointing of God, deliverance and how to break curses, becoming a Christian and watch the testimonies about healing.

Check out all the topics covered in our Free Resources – audios, videos and legacy articles by Bill Subritzky.

Take time to read my blog and be sure to sign up for our regular e-news.

Kaylene and the team at Dove Ministries team have been working on the new site for some time and we are so excited to see it launched.

The original concept was formulated before Bill passed into glory (December 2015) and we are pleased to see his vision for it come to fruition.

God bless you and we pray that you will experience healing, find freedom and receive hope in Jesus Christ.

Welcome to our new Dove Ministries website from Dove Ministries on Vimeo.

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