
“Encounter the Healing Love and Power of the risen Jesus Christ.”

Hearing God’s Voice

Jan 24, 2017

God’s voice contains the promise and the power for our life.
What God promises, will come to pass. By His power is how He does it. 

God’s voice contains the key to a successful life, career and ministry.
As we are led by the Spirit, doing what He calls us to do, we can expect God’s presence, protection, provision and His power. 

God’s voice strengthens us and encourages our faith.
As we hear His voice in our lives and keep our eyes on Him, then even when things look black we know that He’s got our back.

He is the author and finisher of our faith. He strengthens and encourages us. Nothing is impossible with God.

Kaylene speaking at Charisma on Hearing God’s Voice from Dove Ministries on Vimeo.

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