We, as an independent organization devoted to the study of the doctrine, mode of worship, preaching, teaching and practice of religious bodies and Church organizations in Nigeria have focused our attention to the recent unwarranted attack and allegations against Pastor T. B. Joshua of The Synagogue Church of all Nations and Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of the Love World Assembly a.k.a Christ Embassy as published recently in various magazines and newspapers among which are Encomium magazine, Treasure magazine, This day Newspaper and City People magazine and lately, your magazine Charisma and Christian life.
In addition to the role and objective of our organization as stipulated above, we also monitor the lifestyle of the head of the various Church organisations, General Overseers and men of God.
The sustained unrelentless attack on Pastor T. B. Joshua and lately on Pastor Chris Oyakhilome by Pastor Chris Okotie because of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s association with Pastor T. B. Joshua has led to a thorough investigation by our organisation of Pastor T. B. Joshua, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and the accuser, Pastor Chris Okotie.
The result of our investigations, findings and assessments is herewith attached.
In addition to our investigation, our organization made a request to Lagos State Government and the Federal Government of Nigeria to investigate the allegations made against Pastor T. B. Joshua of the Synagogue Church of all Nations by Rev. Chris Okatie and the Pentecostal fellowship of Nigeria.
At our request, both the Lagos State and Federal Government of Nigeria carried out thorough and extensive investigation of all the allegations through the use of State investigative network. Result of the Government investigation revealed that there was no substance in the Pastor Chris Okotie’s and the Pentecostal fellowship allegations against Pastor T. B. Joshua as a result of which the Government pronounced verdict of innocence.
Thereafter, the Lagos State Government and Federal Government authorities invited Pastor T. B. Joshua and his accuser Chris Okotie (see enclosed letters) to a meeting. Where the government issued warnings to Pastor Okotie and his Pentecostal Fellowship Group to desist from their falsehood, unfounded, mischievous and malicious attack laden with blatant lies against Pastor T. B. Joshua and Oyakhilome.
Religious monitor has been monitoring the Synagogue Church of All Nations since 1993 when the organization came to Nigeria prominence up-to-date, the monitoring is still progressing and so far, we have found nothing unusual or unbiblical in the practice, doctrine, teaching and mode of worship of the Synagogue Church of All Nations. The life of the general overseer and founder of the Church (Pastor T. B. Joshua) is worthy of emulation. Our conclusion and verdict is that Pastor T. B. Joshua received his anointing through absolute righteousness and holliness, which many of Nigeria’s Pentecostal Church Pastors lack.
Majority of today’s Pentecostal Church Pastors in Nigeria are Pastors of fortune seekers, morally bankrupt people, adulterers, mischievous, deceitful people as a result of which the Churches are personal estates and properties of the founder, general overseer and his immediate family. For example, Pastor Chris Okotie has been deserted by his wife who has alleged wide spread adultery with members of the congregation by Pastor Okotie. The wife is now filing for divorce. Similarly, Pastor Oritsajefor has divorced his first wife and now married to the wife of a member of the congregation. Such is the unholy practice of these Pastors. This situation has made it impossible for most of the new generation Nigerian Pentecostal Churches to receive true anointing. A few among them, such as; Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Living Faith (a.k.a Winners Chapel), Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Deeper Life Ministries, Love world Assemblies (a.k.a Christ embassy) and few others can be said to meet the standard expected in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor T. B. Joshua has been found to be very upright and righteous and has received the true anointing of the Holy Spirit. The arrival of the true Holy Spirit anointed Pastor into the Nigerian Christian Ministries has been kicking Satan left and right, and the kingdom of Satan has been badly damaged.
The people fighting and accusing Pastor T. B. Joshua are in this category. They are the false and fortune seeker Pastors. Such as Chris Okotie and some of his fellow Pentecostal fellowship of Nigeria members. They are not actually fighting Pastor T. B. Joshua, they are fighting the happenings of holy spiritual hearings at the Synagogue. They are fighting the miracles of God happening at the Synagogue. The hearings and miracles taken place at the Synagogue can only be by the anointing of the Holy Spirit of God. This has challenged the kingdom of Satan in Nigeria and has threatened their survival and existence. The fellow Pastors threatened are the one fighting to protect their interest and survival. Unfortunately, it is too late for them.
The influx of foreign missionaries, President of Nations and dignitaries from all over the world to the Synagogue is as a result of this true anointing. The hearings and miracles according to Pastor T. B. Joshua is not the work of his own hand but his father THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. The miracles and hearings are received free and all the thousands of various missionaries from all over the world on pilgrimage to Synagogue are accommodated free with feeding as no one pays for anything at the Synagogue. No endowment fund, no development fund, no special contribution and no extortion is allowed at the Synagogue as practised by other Pentecostal Churches through which the founders and general overseers enrich themselves.
Finally, we recommend that your magazine arrange a visit to the Synagogue on an investigative mission and an interview with Pastor T. B. Joshua. We at religious monitor believe that Pastor T. B. Joshua is the gift of God to Nigeria, mankind and the whole world. Despite the tribulation similar to what our Lord Jesus suffered, the Pastor and the Church are waxing stronger and stronger.
We thank you in anticipation of a prominent and elaborate publication of this rejoinder: IN DEFENCE OF THE TRUTH.
Yours in the service of the Lord,
Bishop (Dr,) Benjamin Okoye Alh. (Dr.) Usman Abdulkadir