By Dove Ministries
Cripples are walking. The blind and deaf are being healed.
Cripples are walking. The blind and deaf are being healed. HIV cases, cancers and the mentally ill are being healed and many other mighty miracles are occurring. God is indeed a miracle working God and through His Son Jesus Christ the gospel of salvation is available to all who believe.
A team of three senior pastors and four evangelists from Auckland New Zealand has visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Nigeria. They were able to verify the ministry of T.B. Joshua as a man of God, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, repentance and the need for a holy walk before God.
Having spent nine days and nights at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations and witnessing the power of God through the ministry of T.B. Joshua, they came home thoroughly satisfied that this indeed is a mighty work of God.
Cripples are walking. The blind, HIV cases, cancers and the mentally ill are being healed and many other mighty miracles are occurring.
Watch TB Joshua Prayer: If you would like to watch TB Joshua praying a powerful healing prayer click here >>
Back cancer healed
75-year old Rev Dr Ogunwemimo J.O., a Justice of peace (JP), had cancer of the back that was aggravated by his diabetic state of health. The Cancer was so deep that it formed a triangular feature.
The flesh had been so eaten up that one could almost see his spinal cord bones. He could not sleep on his back, and sleeping on his sides was a hazard, neither could he put on shirts any longer.
Earlier on, a cancerous toe had been chopped off on the advice of doctors. In this state of turmoil, a friend advised him to take his problem to The Synagogue.
He did that, received prayer and his back cancer was healed.
God indeed is a miracle working God and through his Son Jesus Christ the gospel of salvation is available to all who are prepared to believe.
You can view these miracles by going to:
About TB Joshua
Why Bill Subritzky went to see the ministry of TB Joshua
Having watched many miraculous healings on videos from the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Nigeria a group of three New Zealand pastors and four evangelists including myself went to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Nigeria and lived there for nine days and nights. We wanted to satisfy ourselves that T.B. Joshua is a man of God and miracles were in fact taking place.
What we saw
Blind eyes opened, cripples walking and dozens of testimonies from people who had been healed of HIV and other diseases.
Some of us received healings ourselves.
Spiritual overview
We heard the name of Jesus Christ being continuously uplifted, the Gospel, repentance and salvation being continuously preached and the work of the Holy Spirit honoured. After nine days at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations we concluded that T.B. Joshua is indeed a man of God and these are the works of God.
Group from New Zealand
Among our group there were three senior pastors, two evangelists and two men leading major Christian work in New Zealand. Between us we had 180 years of ministry.
Our conclusion was that this is truly a work of God.
Who is T.B. Joshua?
He is a Nigerian, born in 1963. His full name is Temitope Balagun Joshua.
He was educated at St Stephens Anglican primary school in Ikare-Akoko. Later he attended several secondary schools.
Church Upbringing
What do people who have visited the church say?
Many leading pastors and lay people from all over the western world have visited the church and attest to the work of God.
Comments from leading Dutch theologian, Professor Willem Ouweneel click here
Can I visit the church?
Yes, you can view the churches website on www.themaninthesynagogue.org
Are you satisfied the healing miracles are genuine?
One cannot watch the above videos without being convinced of their authenticity. Apart from which I saw healing miracles for myself when he prayed for the sick.Four of the seven members of our team also received healings.
What sort of a man is he to speak to?
What is the attitude of the church members?
Did the church members you spoke to know much about the bible?
How do you know he is not an occultist?
I have been involved in the deliverance ministry for over 30 years. I have written such books as “Demons Defeated” which has been translated into many languages and “How To Cast Out Demons And Break Curses”. I have also taught on deliverance in many countries.
I carefully watched the ministry of Joshua and I am totally satisfied that he is casting out demons in the name of Jesus Christ. As Jesus said “satan cannot cast out satan”.
He constantly casts out demons by the power of God. He constantly upholds the name of Jesus Christ, gives glory to God and his preaching is biblically inspired. The work of the Holy Spirit is clearly evident among the church members.
Also one of the above videos shows a dead man being raised by the power of God.
Is it true there is a picture in the church saying "there is no God but Allah" and also quotes from the Koran?
Absolutely not.
Joshua responds as follows “as regards to the purported picture of an inscription in Arabic in a factitious video tape credited to us this is not so”. He denies the quotes.
Does he talk to the dead?
Is Joshua a vegetarian?
It has been alleged to have studied under Muslim cleric learning about mysticism and the occult. Is this correct?
Does Prophet Joshua practice transubstantiation in the water ceremony shown on Divine Miracles Lagos Part 1 video?
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (paragraphs 1376, 1377 and 1378) there are three basic requirements for transubstantiation to take place.
I quote:
1. (1376). “That by consecration of the bread and wine there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of His blood. This change the Holy Catholic Church has fittingly and properly called transubstantiation.”
2. (1377) “Christ is present, whole and entire in each of the species and whole and entire in each of their parts, in such a way that the breaking of the bread does not divide Christ.”
3. (1378) “Worship of the Eucharist. In the liturgy of the Mass we express our faith in the real presence of Christ under the species of bread and wine, among other ways, genuflecting or bowing deeply as a sign of adoration of the Lord. The Catholic Church has always offered and still offers the sacrament of the Eucharist, the cult of adoration”.
Clearly the Catholic Church believes the bread and wine actually becomes the physical body and blood of Jesus Christ at the time of consecration and therefore require it to be worshiped.
For many years both Prophet Joshua and I attended our respective Anglican Churches in our own countries. The Anglican Church does not believe in transubstantiation but rather that the bread and wine is figuratively and not actually turned into the blood of Jesus Christ. Like Luther the church believes that when the bread and wine is swallowed it is spiritually turned into the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Returning to the video, we find the following:
1. There is no evidence on the video that the participants believe that the water is physically changed into the blood of Jesus after Joshua has prayed over it.
2. There is no indication whatsoever that Joshua or the participants believe that Christ is present, whole and entire in the water.
3. There is no adoration or worship of the water itself.
It is clear that after drinking the water the participants may well believe that it has turned spiritually into the blood of Jesus and contains the power of the blood of Jesus. This is vastly different from saying that transubstantiation takes place.
The evidence of their belief comes in their immediate deliverances from demon power. This belief in the power of the blood of Jesus is similar to that exercised by those upon whom aprons were laid after touching the body of Paul. Because of the power of the blood the demons left the people and they were healed.
It is clear from scripture that God in his grace and mercy can use inanimate objects such as prayer cloths and water for deliverance and healing.
We see evidence of this in the touching of the coffin by Jesus whereby the widow’s son was raised from the dead. We see it in the power on His garment and the power in the waters of Bethesda. There was power in the clay that Jesus put on the blind person’s eye and there was power in His spittle when he placed it on the blind person’s eye. There was power in the waters of the Jordan when Naaman was healed. Similarly there was power in the bones of the deceased Elisha when the dead person touching them was bought to life. There was power in the mantle of Elijah and there was power in the hair of Samson. There was power also in the rod of Moses when it was turned into a serpent. There was power in the rod of Aaron when he touched the dust and it turned to lice.
It has been alleged that Prophet Joshua says "the divine person within him can appear to thousands simultaneously, even coming to them in their dreams". Is this correct?
Joshua responds as follows: “there is nothing like that. Our Lord Jesus Christ is omnipresent everywhere present. His spirit is omnipresent.”
“Where shall I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence” (Psalm 139:7).
“This should not be misinterpreted against me”.
It has been alleged that he said that he was born again in his mother's womb.
Joshua appears to have critics both in Nigeria and elsewhere?
Yes, as a result of this the Religious Monitoring Group have investigated Joshua and the Synagogue, Church of All Nations and have concluded that he is a man of God and that his work is of the Holy Spirit.His chief critic was denounced by this watchdog group as morally bankrupt and an adulterer who has political ambitions.
The overseas critics are relying on hearsay evidence and none of them have personally visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations.
A more factual account from someone who has visited the Church of the Synagogue is written by Professor Willem Ouweneel, a prominent Dutch theologian who holds doctorates in biology, philosophy and theology. He lectures in Universities in Switzerland, Holland, South Africa and Germany. He is of Brethren background but is thoroughly satisfied of the genuineness of the miracles and vindicates the theology of Prophet Joshua.
Read Religious Monitor Watchdog Organisation report click here
Click here to read independent journalist from the United States confirming HIV and other healings and the ministry of T.B. Joshua
We recommend that you view the following videos for more information on the TB Joshua ministry.
Beware of Blasphemers Part 1
Beware of Blasphemers Part 2
Beware of Blasphemers Part 3
Beware of Blasphemers Part 4
Beware of Blasphemers Part 5
Beware of Blasphemers Part 6
Beware of Blasphemers Part 7
Beware of Blasphemers Part 8
Beware of Blasphemers Part 9
Beware of Seducers Part 1
Beware of Seducers Part 2
Beware of Seducers Part 3
Beware of Seducers Part 4
Beware of Seducers Part 5
Beware of Seducers Part 6
Beware of Seducers Part 7
Click here for TB Joshua’s church, the Synagogue, Church of All Nations http://www.themaninthesynagogue.org/