In this teaching Bill Subritzky says there is a hunger for people to know about God and encourages us to go out and share the gospel. During this four-part, eight-hour video seminar, Bill shares helpful tips on how to hold a healing meeting in your home or as an outreach. He teaches on how to know the anointing of God, moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He also explains how to cast out demons and break curses and how to pray for others to receive healing. There are 10 sessions which include the following content – Session 1: The Conduct of an Evangelist (41 mins), Evangelistic House Meetings (32 mins), Preparing for an Outreach (53 mins). Session 2: Knowing the Anointing (61 mins), Moving in the Gifts (65 mins). Session 3: Casting out Demons/Breaking Curses Pt 1 (61 mins), Casting out Demons/Breaking Curses Pt 2 (50 mins). Session 4: The Primary Message (57 mins), The Ministry of Healing (42 mins), Hindrances to Healing (41 mins).