Exposing the New Age Movement (282 mins video). All women need to be aware of the satanic deception of the New Age and learn the Christian principles relating to these issues. Topics include youth, families and music. Feminism, education and children. Media, government and business. The New Age as revealed in health, mind control and meditation. The New Age Movement in world issues and to conclude the response of the church and Christians. Session 1 (90 mins): Hon. Mrs Whetu Tirikatene-Sullivan MP Topic: Youth, families & Music. Jayne Calkin Topic: Feminism. Session 2 (82 mins): Jean Mackey Topic: Education and Children. June Coxhead-Dooney Topic: Media, Government, Business. Session 3 (110 mins): Dale Garratt Topic: Mind, Health, Fitness. Trish Jenkins Topic: World Issues Overview. Pat Subritzky Topic: Church and Christianity.