
“Encounter the Healing Love and Power of the risen Jesus Christ.”

Who is our neighbour?

Jul 3, 2018

The word neighbour in the Greek means ‘someone who is near’ and in the Hebrew it means ‘someone that you have an association with’.

Our neighbour is anyone we encounter.

The story of the Good Samaritan is a parable about God’s concern for every person, regardless of their status or culture or position in society .

Samaritans were considered a low class of people and the Jews would have nothing to do with them, but when the Samaritan came across a man who had been beaten and robbed, he was the only person who helped him. The Samaritan exhibited the true heart of God and his receptiveness shows an attitude of openness and availability, a preparedness to be generous in every circumstance.

Generosity is a way that we can choose to live, a way that we can exhibit the compassion and love of God every day and in every situation.

Let’s live like the Samaritan and always be available to help our neighbour.

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